Wednesday, December 29, 2021

INTERESTING DIRT #flatearthReset


Rock Lover
Correct .Quote Antonio "Pat works for a Agency outside the US "
Flat Earth Reset
 @Rock Lover  I deleted that live stream it was just a test.. I will go watch around the two hour mark of geds video.. Whats this about metatron mark owning the house? email me if you want flatearthreset55 at gmail..
Stacy Daisy
As far as I know. She did it to herself. She brought it up way more than any one else. Her chanle is still there it's just hidden. But she did exactly what she got paid for. The tv reality show. I feel you were left out to. No clue why But my 1st though was. Oh snap. I gotta go see flat Earth reset♡
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Rock Lover
Correct about the TV Reality Show .See my video with Laurel Canyon in the title .They tried and failed to get UK channel 4 to do a TV Reality Show .Antonio ruined it . He then found out about Pat through Canadian Department of Defence who she really was .

Interesting Dirt... #FLATEARTHRESET


I felt left out and so does MGTV .Hell we know we got to Her because she said live we 3 bought Her Valentine Day Flowers lol . Brilliant opening lmfao .I was singing it as well lol . Department of Defence Denis Sluka Metatron aka Mark Sargent has got rid of Pat because she is becoming a expensive liability .Mark took on a ex 3 letter agency Trans retired "Honey Trap" and placed it in the Steere family for a instant back story because he is such a boring bastard on his own . Pat getting exposed as a Trans exposes Mark as a Gay Man married to Metatron Joe Real . She got $6000 a month plus many expenses to back Denis Sluka and caused loads of trouble covering she was Trans who shagged Mark 5 mins after meeting him before She came on YouTube . Orphan Red was told that secret and Pat realised it was a mistake and used Sunny Peaches as a Proxy attack Dog to Bully Sasha and Daphne Rimmel off YouTube .Got the video of Pat saying sorry to Sasha and got the screenshot of Sasha telling Lori Gale the Secret of Mark and Pats Shag .It was me who warned Sasha BTW lol . After Sunny Peaches failed ( Daphne left for a while ) they needed rid of Sunny the evidence and got her to do the Sick Satanic Blood video .That was the end of Sunny . The video is Flat Earth Reset vs Infinite Plane Society .Skip to Omi telling Lord Steven Pat told him Sargent is Gay and then there is the Pat and Sasha video . Pat got retired before she got exposed .

I'm Filing a TON Of DMCA Takedown Notices. Head's Up Trolls..

 I'm Filing a TON Of DMCA Takedown Notices. Head's Up Trolls..

Don't think for one second that I give a darn about playing fair at this point. 


 @GKT 11  ***I'm really sick of you and your drama. Watch me burn your channel down. The more you mention me, the more I will undermine your channel. I don't play fair if you havent' noticed. Don't think I won't fuck with your channel. Watch me. Remove ALL content regarding myself and mad mike and maybe I won't torch your channel. Maybe. I really do hate liars. You need to delete this NOW. Otherwise my DMCA claim will do the trick.


Infinite Plane Radio